
On this website you’ll find a collection of articles designed to help you write better code. You can read them in any order, picking and choosing those topics which are useful to you. We don’t teach any specific coding language but discuss practices and processes that can help you write in a cleaner, more efficient and more beautiful way.

Unix shell 1: Mac and Linux

Never used a terminal before? This article will help you get started.

Unix shell 2: Creating & deleting

Creating, updating and deleting files and directories from the command line.

Git cheatsheet

A summary of useful git commands.

Git: Setup

What is version control? And how do I set up Git?

Git: Basics

All the version control basics to get you up and running.

Git: Branching

Some more sophisticated techniques to level up your git game.

Git: Ignoring files

Learn how to exclude certain files from version control.


Find out how to use this powerful command line search tool.


Regexes are used throughout computer science to represent text patterns.

Regex cheatsheet

A summary of regex syntax.


Learn how to find and replace regexes like a pro.